Case 3.5Goodner Brother, Inc.Woody, that's $2400 you owe me. Okay? We' การแปล - Case 3.5Goodner Brother, Inc.Woody, that's $2400 you owe me. Okay? We' บาสก์ วิธีการพูด

Case 3.5Goodner Brother, Inc.Woody,

Case 3.5
Goodner Brother, Inc.
Woody, that's $2400 you owe me. Okay? We're straight on that?"
"Yeah, yeah. I got you."
"And you'll pay me back by next Friday?"
"Al. I said I'd pay you back by Friday, didn't I?"
"Just checkin'."
Borrowing money from a friend can strain even the strongest relationship. When the borrowed money will soon be plunked down on a blackjack table, the impact on the friendship can be devastating.
Woody Robinson and Al Hunt were sitting side by side at a blackjack table in Tunica, Mississippi. The two longtime friends and their wives were spending their summer vacations together as they had several times. After three days of loitering in the casions that line the banks of the Mississippi River 20 miles south of Memphis, Woody found himself hitting up his friend for loans. By the end of the vacation, Woody owed Al nearly $5000.
The question facing Woody was how he would repay his friend.
Two Pals Named Woody and Al
Woodrow Wilson Robinson and Albert Leroy Hunt lived and worked in Huntington, West Virginia, a city of 60000 tucked in the westernmost corner of the state. The blue-collar city sits on the south bank of the Ohio River. Ohio is less than one mile away across the river, while Kentucky can be reached by making a 10-minute drive westward on Interstate 64. Woody and Al were born six days apart in a small hospital in eastern Kentucky, were best friends throughout grade school and high school, and roomed together for four years at college. A few months after they graduated with business management degrees, each served as the other;s best man at their respective weddings.
Following graduation, Al went to work for Curcio's Auto Supply on the western out-skirts of Huntington, a business owned by his future father-in-law. Curcio's sold lawn-mowers, bicycles, and automotive parts and supplies, including tires and batteries, the business's two largest revenue producers. Curcio's also installed the automotive parts it sold, provided oil and lube service, and performed small engine repairs.
Withing weeks of going to work for Curcio's, Al helped Woody land a job with a large tire wholesaler that was Curcio's largest supplier. Goodner Brother, Inc., sold tires of all types and sizes from 14 locations scattered from southern New York to northwesternn South Carolina and from central Ohio to the Delaware shore. Goodner concentrated its operations in midsized cities such as Huntington, West Virginia; Lynchburg, Virginia; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and Youngstown, Ohio, home to the company;s headquarters. Founded in 1969 by two brother, T.J. and Ross Goodner, nearly three decades later Goodner Brothers' annual sales approached $40 million. The Goodner family dominated the company's operations. T.J. served as the company's chairman of the board and chief executive officer (CEO), while Ross was the chief operating officer (COO). Four second-generation Goodners also held key positions in the company.
Goodner purchased tires from several large manufacturers and then wholesalad those tires to auto supply stores and other retailers that had auto supply departments. Goodner's customers included Sears, Wal-Mart, Kmart, and dozens of smaller retail chains. The company also purchased discountinued tires from manufacturers, large retailers, and other wholesalers and then resold those tires at cut-rate prices to school districts, municipalities, and to companies with small fleets of automobiles.
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ผลลัพธ์ (บาสก์) 1: [สำเนา]
Kasu 3.5
Goodner Brother, Inc.
Woody, hori $ 2.400 Zor duzun da. Ados? Horretan zuzen ari gara?
"" Bai, noski. Egin ninduen.
"" Eta atzera ordaindu ahal izango duzu me datorren ostiralean arabera?
"" Al. Zinela atzera ordaindu dut ostiralean ek esan nuen, ez?
"" Just Check '.
"maileguan dirua lagun bati daiteke, nahiz eta tentsio harreman indartsuena. When maileguan dirua laster zin egingo plunked behera blackjack mahai baten gainean, adiskidetasuna eragin suntsitzaileak izan daiteke.
Woody Robinson eta Al Hunt Ziren ondoan eseritako Tunica, Mississippi mahai blackjack batean. bi lagun longtime eta bere emazteak ziren beren udako oporrak pasatzeko elkarrekin edo hadd Hainbat aldiz hautsi. Hiru egun ondoren Sobre el That Mississippi ibaiaren ertzean 20 mila Memphis hego lerroan loitering, Woody aurkitu berak eman kolpatzeko maileguak laguna bis. oporren amaieran By, Woody zor Al ia $ 5000.
Galdera Woody zen nola litzateke itzultzeko zuen aurrez aurre bere lagun.
Bi Pals izendatu Woody eta Al
Wilson Robinson eta Albert Leroy Hunt bizi izan zen eta Huntingtonen, 60.000 hiri baten mendebaldean dago egoera izkinan bilduta ere lan egin zuen. blue lepokoa hiria hego banku gainean eseri Ohio River. Ohio da milia bat baino gutxiago kanpoan itsasadarraren beste aldean, berriz, Kentucky daiteke mendebalderantz Woody eta Al jaio ziren sei egunez aparte Kentucky ekialdeko erietxe txiki batean Interstate 64, 10 minutuko disko bat eginez iritsi, Were lagun onena throughou kalifikazioa eskola eta goi eskola, eta gelako elkarrekin lau urte college webgunea. Hilabete batzuk igaro ondoren piztu zen enpresa kudeaketa gradu, bakoitzak beste gisa zerbitzatzen lizentziatua da. S gizon onena Euren Ezteiak at
graduazio ondoren, Al to Curcio Auto Supply lan mendebaldeko Huntington kanpo-gona, bis jabetzako enpresa bat joan Etorkizuna aita-legeak. Curcio en saldu belarra mozteko makinetan-, bizikletak, eta automozio piezen eta hornidura, pneumatikoak eta bateriak, enpresa horrek bi handietako Revenue Ekoizleen barne. Curcio en Halaber, automozio piezen saldu, baldin eta olio eta lube zerbitzua instalatu, eta motor txiki konponketak egin.
withing astez Curcio en Al lan lagundu Woody lana lur pneumatikoen wholesaler handi bat izan zen, Curcio ko distantzia hornitzailea batera joateko. Goodner Brother, Inc., saldu mota guztietako pneumatikoak eta tamaina hegoaldeko New Yorketik sakabanatuta South Carolina northwesternn to 14 kokapenak eta Ohio zentraletako Delaware itsasertzean. Kontzentratua Goodner Besteak beste, bere Huntingtonen bezalako hiri midsized eragiketak; Lynchburg, Virginia; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; eta Youngstown, Ohio, enpresari etxean; s egoitzan. 1969an sortu bi anaia, TJ eta Ross Goodner arabera, ia hiru hamarkada geroago Goodner anaien arteko salmentak hurbildu $ 40 milioi. Goodner familiak konpainiaren eragiketa nagusi. TJ konpainiaren Kontseiluko presidentea eta kontseilari delegatua (CEO) bezala aritu da, zuzendari nagusi (COO) kontuan izan behar du Ross. Lau bigarren belaunaldiko Goodners enpresan funtsezko posizioak ospatzen.
Goodner fabrikatzaileak Hainbat pneumatikoak handi purchabed eta crack wholesalad auto hornidura azalera eta beste merkatariei That auto-hornikuntza sailek hadd pneumatikoak horiek. Sartzen Goodner en bezeroek Sears, Wal-Mart, Kmart, eta txikizkako kateak txikiagoa dozenaka. Konpainiak discountinued pneumatikoak Era FABRICANTES, merkatariei handi, eta beste handizkari erositako eta crack berriro saldu pneumatikoak horiek ebaki-tasa prezioetan School Districts, Udalen, eta automobilak ontzidi txiki batekin enpresei.
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